XII Международная научная конференция

«Региональные проблемы дистанционного зондирования Земли»

09 сентября - 12 сентября 2025 г. Адрес конференции: ул. Академика Киренского, 26, корпус 1, Красноярск

Conference decisions

By the following of the conference, the Program Committee adopted the following decision:

1. To accept the work of the conference as useful, contributing to the implementation of ERS methods in the tasks of regional monitoring.

2. To publish the selected conference materials in the "Scientific Journal of SFU" in 2015.

3. To recommend an annual conference "Regional problems of remote sensing of the Earth" in SFU with the simultaneous holding of a school of young scientists, holding a competition for the best work among young scientists and organizing an exhibition hall for demonstrating technical developments.