XII Международная научная конференция
«Региональные проблемы дистанционного зондирования Земли»
09 сентября - 12 сентября 2025 г.
Адрес конференции: ул. Академика Киренского, 26, корпус 1, Красноярск
Conference decisions
Conference decisions:
1. To recognize the work of the conference as useful, contributing to the implementation of remote sensing methods in the tasks of regional monitoring;
2. To publish the selected conference materials in a special issue of the "SFU Scientific Journal" in 2018;
3. Conduct V International Scientific Conference "Regional Problems of Remote Sensing of the Earth" and the School of Young Scientists in Krasnoyarsk in September 2018;
4. Organize within the framework of the V conference an exhibition - a salon of software and remote sensing, and GIS.
Resolution of the IV International Scientific Conference "Regional Problems of Remote Sensing of the Earth":
1. Conduct V conference "Regional problems of remote sensing of the Earth" from September 11 to 14, 2018.
2. Organize a school of young scientists in the framework of the V conference in September 2018.
3. To recommend the Government of the Krasnoyarsk Territory to hold a meeting jointly with Roskosmos State Corporation, Siberian Federal University and FIC KSC of the SB RAS on the organization of practical implementation of remote sensing of the Earth on the basis of the Digital Earth project, which is being developed on the initiative of the Roskosmos State Corporation.
4. Organize a thematic round table "Practice of Remote Sensing of the Earth in the Regions" within the framework of the V Conference.
5. Organize within the framework of the V conference an exhibition - a salon of software for thematic processing of remote sensing materials of the Earth.
Conference results:
1. Recommendations are received in the construction of space monitoring systems for agricultural land, anthropogenic impact zones, nature protection complexes;
2. Leading scientific teams in the field of remote sensing have received comprehensive information on the possibilities of using data from the Russian satellite grouping, which enables a qualitative transition to import substitution in the field of remote sensing;
3. Leading scientists and specialists from 43 organizations of the Russian Federation and foreign participants were presented 78 reports. The conference was also attended by 10 students, 55 young scientists including 15 post-graduate students;
4. Within the framework of the conference, a school of young scientists was organized and a competition of works by young scientists. As a result of the contest, the winners received diplomas and valuable prizes;
By the beginning of the conference a collection of works was published (323 pages, 78 articles); assigned ISBN 978-5-7638-3728-5.