XII Международная научная конференция

«Региональные проблемы дистанционного зондирования Земли»

09 сентября - 12 сентября 2025 г. Адрес конференции: ул. Академика Киренского, 26, корпус 1, Красноярск

Conference decisions

By the following of the conference, the Program Committee adopted the following decision:
1. To recognize the work of the conference as useful, contributing to the implementation of remote sensing methods in the tasks of regional monitoring;
To publish selected conference materials in a special issue of the "SFU Scientific Journal" of the "Technics and Technology" series in 2016;
2. To hold the III International Scientific Conference "Regional problems of remote sensing of the Earth" and the school of young scientists in Krasnoyarsk in September 2016;
3. Organize, within the framework of the III conference, thematic round tables on the topics:
- Russian group of remote sensing satellites and software for primary processing of space information;
- Creation of regional remote sensing systems
4. Organize within the framework of the III conference an exhibition - a salon of software and remote sensing and GIS.