XII Международная научная конференция

«Региональные проблемы дистанционного зондирования Земли»

09 сентября - 12 сентября 2025 г. Адрес конференции: ул. Академика Киренского, 26, корпус 1, Красноярск


During the conference it is planned to work 3 sections:
  1. Modern and perspective systems of regional remote sensing.
  2. Models and methods of remote sensing data processing.
  3. Monitoring of the environment, natural and anthropogenic objects and phenomena.
  4. AI technologies and Big Data.
Main directions of the conference:
  • Modern and perspective systems of regional remote sensing;
  • Models and methods of Earth remote sensing data processing;
  • Monitoring of ecosystems and agrocenoses;
  • Monitoring of industrial facilities and their impact on the environment;
  • Emergency monitoring; Monitoring of construction;
  • Spatial data infrastructure;
  • Issues of legislative regulation of relations in the field of space activities;
  • Monitoring of the environment, natural and anthropogenic objects and phenomena.