XII Международная научная конференция
«Региональные проблемы дистанционного зондирования Земли»
09 сентября - 12 сентября 2025 г.
Адрес конференции: ул. Академика Киренского, 26, корпус 1, Красноярск
During the conference it is planned to work 3 sections:
- Modern and perspective systems of regional remote sensing.
- Models and methods of remote sensing data processing.
- Monitoring of the environment, natural and anthropogenic objects and phenomena.
- AI technologies and Big Data.
Main directions of the conference:
- Modern and perspective systems of regional remote sensing;
- Models and methods of Earth remote sensing data processing;
- Monitoring of ecosystems and agrocenoses;
- Monitoring of industrial facilities and their impact on the environment;
- Emergency monitoring; Monitoring of construction;
- Spatial data infrastructure;
- Issues of legislative regulation of relations in the field of space activities;
- Monitoring of the environment, natural and anthropogenic objects and phenomena.